Your Saturday Ecommerce Coffee Break Newsletter ⭐

Discover how to sell more without “marketing”

Ecommerce Coffee Breakk

Hey, Claus here, the host of the 'Ecommerce Coffee Break' podcast, presenting a special edition of the newsletter featuring a pretty cool case study.

Discover how to sell more without “marketing”

If you own or work at an Ecommerce brand, you probably often think: “How can we sell more?.” Of course, marketing and sales tactics cross our mind. More (and better optimized) marketing = more prospects to sell to. More sales = more revenue.

However, there are other factors that can contribute to more revenue. We all know that loyal customers are better for business compared to new customers. Consequently, there’s been a recent increase in focusing on customer-led-growth as opposed to product-led-growth only.

“Customer-led growth is a strategic approach that focuses on customer experience, insights, and feedback as the main way to drive business growth.” - PartnerHero.

And yes, you guessed it right, that business growth includes the $$$ growth for your ecommerce business.

Delivering exceptional customer support and experiences in general is key to that success. As part of it, the quality of every interaction is crucial. How can you accomplish that? By creating a quality program that delivers consistent results throughout your organization.


You want the summarized version? Sure:

The Challenge:

“The company was handling an average of 44,000 conversations from 22,000 different users each month. While team leads had occasionally reviewed tickets, there was no formal quality review process. As their business kept growing, they realized they needed to get more data and insights out of the QA process to ensure that all policies and guidelines were being followed—and to improve their customer experience.

The Solution:

The implementation of processes and rubrics for the following areas:

  • Scoring Tickets

  • Disputes Policies

  • Calibration Sessions

  • Coaching Requests

Additionally, PartnerHero built a complete QA program that delivered statistically significant results based on a random sample of the overall ticket volume. We also established a minimum amount of samples for each associate. 

Along with better defined rubrics, we also assisted the business in implementing new processes:

  • We developed a recommendations tracker that facilitated feedback

  • We defined a path for doing deep dives on specific ticket categories or agents needing additional insights.

  • We initiated coaching and feedback processes.

  • We launched calibration sessions for supervisors and the QA team

  • We created a disputes process

  • We implemented a “Best Start” program, which facilitated growth for new hires within the first 60 days.

  • We established active CSAT engagement processes

The Result:

PartnerHero increased the average error free rate (EFR) on tickets from 40% to 74%.

There were additional results that helped them boost the quality and serve their customers better.

Exceptional customer support is not just a cost—it's an investment that directly contributes to revenue growth. Click below to read the full case study and unlock the secrets behind this transformative journey.

Ready to outsource?

We know startups need flexibility, which is why we offer 30 day rolling contracts, coverage options that start small and scale up as you grow. We’ve built experienced customer support teams for amazing brands like Etsy, Loom, Miro, and many more.

Talk to our solutions designers today to learn how we can help your brand grow with amazing CX.

To your success!


The Ecommerce Coffee Break Podcast + Newsletter

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