Ecommerce Coffee Break - Can you help me out with a quick review?

It would mean a lot to me.

Ecommere Coffee Break

Hi there!

It's Claus here from the Ecommerce Coffee Break podcast and newsletter.

Have you been listening to the podcast? If you like it, I could really use your help.

Would you mind leaving a review on Apple Podcasts or Spotify?

It would mean a lot to me. Reviews help more people find the show and help me get great guests too.

Your review can make a big difference. It's like throwing a pebble in a pond - the ripples spread out and help the show grow. And it only takes a minute!

Here's how to do it:

1. Open Apple Podcasts here or Spotify here (Or look up "Ecommerce Coffee Break" in your favorite podcast app.)

2. Find the reviews section

3. Write what you think about the show

You don't need to write a lot. Just a sentence or two is great. Maybe tell us your favorite episode or something you learned.

When you leave a review, you're not just helping me. You're also helping other business owners find useful tips.

Thanks for being part of our community. Your support keeps this podcast going, and I'm really thankful for that.

Keep listening and learning!

Claus Lauter

P.S. Haven't listened in a while? Check out our latest episode and let me know what you think!


or to participate.